Poaching Risks in Community

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It is not a secret that poaching has reached the level of a multifaceted wildlife crime. Due to its disrupting function that exerts a considerable impact on natural resources, this problem affects conservation outcomes and the life of many endangered species as well as livelihoods. Seemingly, poaching has devastating effects on the overall state of life being a method of earning for a living as a result of legal or illegal trade. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the problem along with its reasons and consequences by means of taking into consideration thought-provoking data on poaching that ultimately may be helpful in tackling this problem. Presumably, poaching presents an issue of the human-animal conflict and wildlife harm to the species that should be either averted or handled. Moreover, it manifests itself in one of the wildlife crimes.

The Global Nature of Poaching

As poaching is committed globally, it has implications all over the world and is considered to be "the second most critical threat to wildlife and the highest in terms of severity" (Kahler 184). Although the reasons and scope of poaching may be different, it is a widely accepted fact that poachers break the laws that ensure animals' protection. Interestingly, the reasons why people become poachers are not usually related to the notion of organized crime. Oftentimes, poaching is the result of poverty and opportunistic approaches to this particular matter (Pires & Moreto 102). The opportunistic locals try to benefit from poaching occasionally and get some profits by taking advantage of species that live in the habitats not far from their homes. It leads to the occurrence of legal and illegal wildlife trade and accelerates the global nature of poaching.



Wildlife Trade

Not surprisingly, apart from personal possession, poaching directly addresses the issues of illegal trade as it becomes a primary income source for people who use natural resources to their advantage. According to Missios, "currently endangered species are subject to harvesting for international trade" (613). It is obvious that the costs of poaching should be stopped as there are no justifications to such criminal acts. A vivid example that may serve as an explanation to the notion of poaching on the level of a wildlife crime in the context of trade regards an African elephant. In Africa, it is prohibited to poach elephants and use elephant tusks with the purposes of international trade. Harvesting for international trade should be stopped as it ruins local ecosystems.

Consequences of Poaching

In general, the consequences of poaching are closely tied up with the well-being of human and ecological communities (Rivalan et al 529). Moreover, the illegal trade and negative impact of this problem on the environment suggests that poaching should be taken into account as a wildlife crime. Bearing in mind the previous points, it is necessary to point out that the consequences of poaching have a multifaceted nature:

Poaching, the illegal harvest of wildlife, has numerous ecological and social consequences that affect natural resource management. Wildlife subjected to poaching can experience decreases in abundance, range collapse and extinction. These outcomes may endanger ecosystem function and ecological services. (Kahler et al. 178)

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The Implementation of Possible Solutions Surrounding the Issue of Poaching

Being a wildlife crime, poaching is difficult to monitor and deter. However, there are alternative solutions that can regulate it and reduce its indices in the long run. Different researchers present diverse recommendations regarding wildlife poaching management. Specifically, it is necessary to highlight the encouragement to abstain from poaching due to the economic interests in conservation of the endangered species and different anti-poaching laws. The most effective alternatives concern community-based approaches to the problem.

However, it is worth mentioning a famous and inspiring TED-talk that presents the issue of poaching and alternative solution to it. On the conference, John Kasaona, a conservationist from Namibia, puts an emphasis on the ways of reducing the poaching crime and provides the public with new innovative methods to protect the endangered species. He calls the spectator's attention to the possible ways of converting the poachers into the caretakers and focuses on the fact that his community managed to reshape conservation in Namibia. Kasaona's main principle consists in hiring people who can take care of the wildlife and the poachers in particular.

In conclusion, poaching has been receiving special attention due to the fact that it is a reflection of a wildlife crime. The consequential harm that poaching inflicts in terms of the entire ecosystems suggests that it should be considered through the prism of crime issues. Although the scope of animal harvesting in the world differs, it is necessary to remember that each person can change the situation and protect animals.

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